
Moms F1rst Logo

Moms First is a national movement focused on championing public and private sectors to support moms and caretakers at large. Our partnership is focused on raising employer awareness about the barriers moms face during the various phases of caretaking – from their first maternity leave to balancing their everyday responsibilities at work and home. We aim to be educators, champions, and role models for companies to cultivate a culture of better inclusivity for working moms.

The Ways We Are Involved

We are a part of the Moms First National Business Coalition for Child Care. We explore how businesses can play a role in addressing challenges in the childcare space, enabling more working parents to advance their careers and thrive in the world of work.

  • Attended a working session on childcare at The White House
  • Launched a national campaign that shared our findings and solutions of the challenges moms face when returning to work after leave
  • Shared best practices with the staffing industry and local communities

Our Partnership in Action

Moms First and The Adecco Group US Foundation join forces at the ASA THRIVE Live event and engAGe summit in Fall 2023.
Laurie Chamberlin, President, LHH Recruitment Solutions, North America and Laine Gandy, Director of Parity Programs, Adecco Group US Foundation attended a thought leadership discussion at The White House in Spring 2023.
The Moms First Team at a New York City event in Summer 2023.
Reshma Saujani, CEO & Founder of Moms First and Laine Gandy, at a panel event in New York City in Summer 2023.