The Adecco Group Military Alliance Program

Supporting veterans and military spouses through employment, education, and giving back.

The Adecco Group has a long history of championing the US military community, and we continue to recognize the important role that military families play in our economy, workplaces and society at large. Since the launch of this program in 2002, The Adecco Group and The Adecco Group US Foundation have employed over 100,000 military families through career development, coaching, interview preparation, and job placements.

Our Alliances

How We Engage

For over two decades, The Adecco Group has established strong partnerships with military installations to find veterans and military spouses temporary and full time employment.

Base Outreach

Partner with 67 military bases nationwide

Job Fairs

Local markets, Military Bases and Hiring Our Heroes


Assist Veterans in their career transition and return to the work


Social media campaigns, associate email campaigns

Hiring Events

Virtual hiring with military- affiliated partners

Job Placements

6,000+ veterans and military spouses placed in 2023

Tailored Opportunities for Veterans and Military Spouses

Military Alliance
Reskilling Initiative

Providing Military Spouses
IT career opportunities and building sustainable futures


Providing a new accessible pathway to sustainable careers in technology for women veterans and military spouses

Operation Reskill

Enter the growing field of medical billing and coding with valuable skills, in partnership with Cengage and Ed2Go

Dedicated to Serving Military-Connected Talent

Join us for an exclusive conversation with Miss America and United States Air Force Second Lieutenant, Madison Marsh!

Community Impact

Hearts for Heroes

Every year, The Adecco Group Military Alliance joins forces with The Adecco Group US Foundation for the Hearts for Heroes drive. Together, we leverage our network of colleagues and local communities to send Valentine’s Day cards to deployed service members, bringing a touch of home overseas.

Our Goal:

  • Colleagues rally their friends, community members, schools, and/or family members to create or sign Valentine’s Day cards for active service members
  • Cards include a handwritten appreciation message with a warm Valentine’s Day greeting
  • Cards are handmade or digitally designed then printed, making this a personal and meaningful contribution to our deployed service members

The Impact: